Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In-progress Iniative: Cultural Training Sessions for Health Providers

One of the biggest issues among health professionals and social workers in the metro area is the cultural connection and understanding of their diverse clients, many who are Southeast Asian, which also include Lao.

Since 2007, local survey researches and personal narratives from the American Psychological Association have indicated that mental health professionals feel their clients are left untreated and uneducated about their health conditions. Because of this, we have seen many Lao clients unintentionally marginalized and misunderstood from effective treatment. In turn, they disregard the importance of mental health concerns and tend to discontinue or refuse therapy. A main part of this issue is a lack of cultural understanding and the possibility of 'racial microagressions' that limit a true therapeutic relationship. Racial microagressions are defined as: "brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavoral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color" (American Psychological Association).

This week, with our partner, Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council and other Southeast Asian-based social agencies, we'll be be developing cultural awareness training sessions that will help health professionals incorporate their approach with customs, beliefs, and traditions of Southeast Asian ethnicities.

Keep posted for more social change in the healthcare field!

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