Monday, August 2, 2010

Lao and E-Cigarettes?

Have you noticed electronic cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are showing up in our community and across Minnesota. Start Noticing and the Lao Assistance Center are concerned e-cigarettes may appealing to community members because of their availability online, at convenience stores and at malls.

The FDA warns e-cigarettes could be the newest gateway leading youth to try tobacco products; they come in many colors and candy flavors like apple, cherry and chocolate. The danger is e-cigaretes make smoking look normal and appealing—influencing children's perceptions of smoking. Already the Lao Assistance Center and Start Noticing have seen students asking multiple questions about e-cigarettes in recent presentations.

Electronic cigarettes are advertised as a cheaper smoking alternative. The e-cigarette does not contain tobacco, is not ignited or lit, and does not produce smoke from burning substances, but e-cigarette "vapor"  still pollutes indoor air. These devices contain addictive nicotine and other toxic chemicals not evaluated by the FDA. They are already banned in Canada and Australia, and the Lao Assistance Center recommends all community memers avoid them. They are not safer alternatives to smoking. If you need assistance qutting, contact the Lao Assistance Center, where we have numerous resources to help you and others you care about.

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