Friday, March 30, 2012

Lao New Years: April 14th

Please join the Minnesota Lao community for the 2012/2555 Lao New Year cultural celebration. This year's theme is "Year of the Dragon, Year of the Lao Community". The event is hosted through Lao Assistance Center of Minnesota in collaboration with over 15 local Lao associations and organizations.

There will be a traditional Buddhist ceremony, cultural performances, Miss Lao New Year Minnesota pageant, food & drinks, and evening entertainment. The event is open to the public.

WHEN: Saturday, April 14, 2012
I. 9:00am-2:00pm
Thak Baht (Buddhist Blessing Ceremony)

II. 4:00pm-7:00pm
Cultural Performances & Nang Sang Kahn (Miss Lao New Year Pageant)

III. 7:00pm-12:00am
Evening Celebration & Live Entertainment by Lucky Star Band

Crystal Community Center
4800 Douglas Drive North
Crystal, MN 55429

Admission: $10 (under 16 are free)
Funds from admission costs will contribute towards next year's Lao New Year celebration. For questions and more information, please contact Lao Assistance Center of Minnesota at 612-374-4967 or email