Monday, October 17, 2011

Lao American Feature

A familiar face to the Lao Assistance Center of MN as well as the Lao community in Minnesota appears in a featured story of Lao Americans, an independent online magazine that features shared stories and experiences involving Americans of Laotian descent. The magazine is based in California. It's wonderful to see an organized independent magazine focused just on Lao American stories.

In her story, Saymoukda Vongsay talks about the origin of her name and while her story is unique and unlike any other, it touch bases with the unique characteristics of the Lao culture regarding Lao names and nicknames to which many Lao Americans can and will often relate to.

Read Saymoukda Vongsay's article and other articles of fellow Lao Americans here:

Lao Americans: Why my name Really isn't my Name

For other information about Lao Americans magazine, check out:

Lao Americans Home Page