This week, the Lao Assistance staff met with the staff of Project for Pride in Living and the Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans to discuss issues of unemployment and community access to key job hunting resources.
Our offices were also visited by local political candidates running for several positions including the Parks and Recreation board. Earlier, on October 9th, the Lao Assistance Center was visited by members of the National Gender Equity campaign to discuss our progress in exploring issues of social justice in the community.
We also met with local Latin American community organizers regarding preparations for Census 2010. We're very excited about this important project and we hope all Lao will take part in the Census. We want to know how much our community has changed in 10 years!
We recently completed our quarterly report regarding our Southeast Asian Living Chemically Free program with Northwest Hennepin Human Services Council.
On Saturday, October 17th, Kinnary Pimpadubsee, the Lao Assistance Center Youth Coordinator will be meeting with youth to discuss issues of alcohol, tobacco and drug prevention and work with them to plan a youth forum in December.This will take place at 2PM at the Lao Assistance Center at 503 Irving Ave. N, Minneapolis, MN.
The Lao Assistance Center continues to offer one-on-one, group and family support sessions for individuals who wish to recover from alcoholism, drug use and smoking. If you are interested in these services for yourself or someone you know, call 612-374-4967.
Bounleuth Gowing, our Elder Access specialist, continues her work to assist Lao elders in Minnesota, helping them to participate in our community and to access the services and support they need. A growing concern for her is the number of isolated Lao women who are elders and how their needs can be met so that they can age with dignity. She recently met on October 2nd with Senator Mee Moua and other Minnesota politicians to advocate for changes in state policies for elders that were excluding the voice of immigrants and refugees. She presented a letter to Senator Moua outlining some of the Lao Assistance Center's deep concerns, drawing from both her personal observations as well as trends other communities are identifying.
The Lao Assistance Center continues to offer support for individuals facing issues of unemployment and housing foreclosure and is examining ways to strengthen its connections to agencies working at many different levels on this issue. We are continuing to support the project members of
Lao Community Learning Change, an approach to empower at-risk, unemployed Lao men and women to develop key skills to effectively find work and improve conditions for workers in ways that allow them to spend more time with their families and community in order to escape multigenerational cycles of poverty.
The Lao Assistance Center is currently working to raise funds to bring several special projects to the Twin Cities, including classes in traditional Lao dance and music and the acclaimed play,
Refugee Nation. The agency hopes to have great news to report to everyone soon.
With the recent snowfall in Minnesota, now is a good time to remind everyone to be careful when traveling and to be prepared in your automobiles as well as at home.